The Fruit 305 S Dillard St, Durham, NC, United States

The goal of the Dynamic Duo talent search was both to showcase North Carolina musical talent and to expand on the style and genre of Mallarme’s usual programming. Ensembles were asked to apply and through a rigorous process were chosen based on both performance skill and the interest by the judges in the proposed program […]


FAMILY CONCERT – Luna’s Magic Flute

The Fruit 305 S Dillard St, Durham, NC, United States

SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 2022 Luna’s Magic Flute is certain to delight the young and the old with a musical fairy tale for flute, piano, storytelling and puppetry. In this family-friendly program, the audience is taken on a journey with Luna as she encounters galloping horses, swimming turtles, and other creatures including a fierce dragon. Musicians […]


CONCIERTO para la FAMILIA – La Flauta Mágica de Luna

The Fruit 305 S Dillard St, Durham, NC, United States

SABADO, 3/12/2022 La flauta mágica de Luna seguramente deleitará a jóvenes y mayores con un cuento de hadas musical para flauta, piano, narración de cuentos y títeres. En este programa familiar, la audiencia se embarca en un viaje con Luna mientras se encuentra con caballos al galope, tortugas nadando y otras criaturas, incluido un dragón […]
